Martin Romeo

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about Martin Romeo
Martin Romeo (Carrara, 1986) is an Italian-Argentinian visual artist who explores the relationship between nature and technology through various means, including dynamic sculptures, virtual reality performances, and multimedia installations. His research allows him to interpret and intimately perceive the world.
His production leads us to discover an artistic dimension where nature and technology converge. Through his works, Romeo explores and unveils new connections between two worlds, the physical and the digital, not merely constructing a bridge but often merging them together: nature speaks of technology, the digital narrates the physical.

Romeo's dynamic sculptures are tangible evidence of a new hybrid dimension, with artistic values that are not devoid of current and social reflections. By using traditional materials and innovative techniques, even data becomes tangible, sometimes making the invisible visible and prompting the viewer to observe and reflect. Through his research, Martin Romeo positions himself as an interpreter of the contemporary world, where our existence is increasingly intertwined with technology. His work continues in the metaverse, also here guiding us into new virtual experiences—always bringing a strong reflection and study of the natural world—for instance, on human corporeality.

He has participated in international exhibitions both as an artist and as a designer, including Expo Astana 2017 in Kazakhstan and the Venice Biennale 2018. He has also been an artist in residence in various international residencies, such as the Swatch Residency in Shanghai and the Inside-Out Art Museum in Beijing.

Martin has collaborated with companies in designing new Web3 ecosystems, including Bulgari, Apple, Dolce&Gabbana, and Red-Eye Magazine, among others. In 2022, he received the grant from the Italian Council (XI edition 2022) by the Italian Ministry of Culture and is part of the "Quadriennale di Roma – Arte italiana 365°."

Moreover, he was selected as a reference artist at the Italian Pavilion of design in Hong Kong, was an artist of the Scattered Uffizi of the Uffizi Galleries, and his work is currently exhibited at the European Parliament in Brussels. Martin is the coordinator of the MA in Visual Arts for the Digital Age at IED, a professor at NABA in Milan, and is represented by Reasoned Art – Digital Art Gallery.