Convention Var Group 2024

Experience Valley

Each stage of the journey is an opportunity to discover the technological innovations that are revolutionising the way we live and work.

Immerse yourself, marvel at the wonders of digital evolution and let yourself be guided by the experience of our colleagues who will accompany you step by step in this fascinating adventure.


Discover the 6 stations, designed to offer you a unique and immersive experience.

Explore the challenge topics

Data-driven Dreams: Analyse. Visualise. Generate

Enter an innovative ecosystem, where today you can see, touch and interact with the most advanced technologies and fully understand the potential of a data-driven approach for the future of business decisions. Not only a place of discovery, but also an opportunity to experience first-hand how the integration of Analytics and AI can transform companies' decision-making processes.

You will immerse yourself in a dynamic environment where large volumes of data, from different sources, are collected, stored, managed and displayed efficiently and securely.

First imagine a new way to explore and understand data… what will you see?

A visual representation that combines the narrative art of comics with data analysis. Instead of presenting isolated numbers and graphs, Data Comics will create a coherent and engaging story for you that will guide you through interpreting KPIs and benchmarks.

Learn how advanced visualisation tools show, for example, real-time monitoring of machine and system performance, offering a clear view of operational effectiveness.

Data quality, governance and security are at the heart of cutting-edge solutions that ensure the accuracy, integrity and consistency of data, so that every decision based on it is reliable and high-value. Try the demo point and experience an interactive demonstration.

This application, based on the integration of the knowledge base and automation through Artificial Intelligence, shows you how you can create quotes and simulations from content sent by email. This automated process is displayed through touch screens and tablets and offers a smooth and intuitive interaction.

How do category managers make informed and strategic decisions? Discover how machine learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence can extract meaningful insights, provide accurate forecasts, and offer detailed planning for promotional forecasting in the retail sector. Analyse the dashboards and experience the economic impact of promotions with visual support for the sales network.

Sustainability: making a dream real

Our ESG journey starts with a challenge: can we imagine a world where companies not only thrive economically, but also do so sustainably, respecting the environment and society?  At Var Group, we live sustainability as an ethical business choice and this has been one of our objectives for several years now. In the ESG corner we will discover together how it is possible to integrate environmental, social and governance issues into operational and business strategies with some of our solutions.

Imagine being able to monitor in real time the environmental impact, not only of your organisation or your products, but also of your business events and, above all, to transform them so that they have a positive impact on the local area and the community. At Var Group we help you collect data to calculate the carbon footprint, the emissions produced directly and indirectly, through solutions that make it possible to undertake a transparent and concrete process to compensate for the residual effect of events.

Aiutaci a fare di più! Metti alla prova la tua energia salendo sulla nostra green-bike! Misureremo l’enerTest your energy by getting on our green-bike! We will measure the green energy produced by each of your rides and so you will contribute together with us to generate a positive impact for the environment and for people. We have decided to do more and, for this reason, we will ride together, measuring ourselves, and keeping track of our production: this energy will be transformed into small symbolic donations that will be added to all the other activities in support of the Aid4Mada project!

Sustainable transformation can be real and tangible, only if it is conscious and shared! Play with our Sustainability Awareness App, designed to raise awareness and educate people in the company on the sustainable path undertaken through news, interactive quizzes and games, transforming sustainability into an integral part of company culture!

Cyber Nightmare: can you escape?

Today, cyber security has become a real race against time. Digital threats are evolving at an impressive rate, and cyber criminals are constantly honing their techniques to penetrate even the most protected systems. A real nightmare for any company that is in the crosshairs of attackers.

What can you expect?
A race against time to save your business from a cyber attack.

How does it work?
A virtual escape room and a mission to complete. Solve puzzles and answer questions correctly to pass all levels and win the challenge. Four levels will challenge you with questions about cyber security. But beware: you will have to respond correctly within the given time to save your business and climb the rankings.

Join us and discover the secrets to protecting your business in an increasingly insidious digital world. Cyber security is a challenge, but with the right tools and our knowledge, you can turn your worst nightmare into a sweet dream and sleep soundly.

The stakes have never been higher: only the fastest will emerge victorious.
Will you be among them?
Test yourself with Cyber Nightmare and see if you can save your business.

A shift towards Digital Evolution

What does it mean to adopt digital technology today? It is important for businesses to embrace a continuous and proactive process of innovation and improvement to achieve growth goals. Digital technologies are not only adopted but strategically integrated to guide businesses on a journey that encompasses processes, business models, and cultural and organisational change.

We will accompany you on an experiential journey towards business evolution, where you will have the opportunity to incorporate fundamental governance elements to ensure effective and sustainable management of your digital transformation.

What impact does digital evolution have on business processes? We know that IoT, automation, mobile and web development, Spatial Computing, Generative AI (GENAI) and Machine Learning are revolutionising the way companies operate. These technologies allow you to optimise processes, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs; as well as real-time data analysis and intelligent automation allow companies to make informed decisions and adapt quickly to market changes.

Digital evolution pushes companies to rethink business models in a more innovative and flexible way, thanks to digital platforms that exploit new technologies to create value. How? Developing new digital products and services, exploring subscription-based or data-sharing business models, and creating collaborative ecosystems with partners and customers. One single goal: not only to adapt to changes but to anticipate and drive them.

How can digital evolution be placed at the centre of cultural and organisational change? Companies must develop a culture of innovation and experimentation, encouraging employees to embrace new technologies and collaborate in a more agile and cross-functional way. This is possible with visionary leadership that promotes continuous training, knowledge sharing, and a data-driven approach. Governance is key to ensuring that digital projects are aligned with the business strategy.

Supply Chain & Logistics

How do you turn a warehouse into a smart hub?
Thanks to the digitalisation of processes and the use of technologies such as IoT, cloud, automation, mobile, AI and AR, maintaining high standards of sustainable quality and complying with regulations. So you can create an agile, fast, sustainable and circular smart hub, with a complete supply chain certification, up to delivery.

What will you experience?

You will be able to follow the main phases of the logistics process, from B2B and B2C order management, through production and quality management and inspections, to the handling of goods within the company and delivery.

What are the aims of this process?

To streamline operations, improve productivity, and ensure that every aspect of the supply chain is optimised for maximum efficiency. With a particular focus on the social sustainability of operators, balancing professional and personal spheres, and valuing each individual’s skills.


Discover the order management dashboard from an ERP system and an order management system for @commerce. You can manage a B2B/B2C order with the following functions: order acquisition, order sorting, product picking and order closing.

How can you manage the exchange of information with the supplier? You will find out how it is possible to share all the documentation related to compliance and manage the transport documents to record the entry of the goods.

How can the activities of the warehouse manager be facilitated? With AI, AR, Mobile and Cloud, managing incoming merchandise is a breeze. Simply take a photo at the transport document with your smartphone and the automatic processing of the transport document for the entry of goods appears on the PC immediately. In no time, you can print the labels.

How can the process of verifying compliance with standards be digitalised? You can try an inspection process with our simulator. Using a tablet with a mobile and web platform, you can frame the product, photograph it and start the inspection, selecting possible non-conformities. In this way, you can standardise and digitise the process according to the parent company's standards for raw materials, semi-finished and finished products. You will be able to see in real time a dashboard with the number of inspections, rejected or accepted batches, the schedule of activities and much more. In this way, you will be able to speed up each inspection, facilitate coordination between different visits and standardise the transfer of information at a central level.

How does AR guide the warehouse operator in their operations? Through codes read from smart glasses and/or tablets. The operator carries out storage on shelves, handling in the departments or towards the exit with easy and intuitive picking for faster and error-free operations and with the economic enhancement of the warehouse updated in real time on the ERP and other systems.

How can you manage and control everything in the vertical warehouse and do picking activities directly from the WMS? There are two ways: 1) Client interface: The office operator can see what is in the warehouse and prepare picking lists and retrieval orders. 2) AIDS: With this terminal, the WMS allows you to activate and open the modules for the compartments.

Discover the dashboard for managing goods entry/exit points. The benefits? The Departures dashboard allows you to keep track of any delays in preparation, better organise the exit points by assigning customers to individual lanes and identify any critical issues both on delays and on the saturation of the goods exit area. Thanks to interactive 3D wall screens positioned between the exit points, you can view in real time the recipients to be placed in the bays, the occupancy, and the progress of goods preparation in the various areas (lanes).

How can you verify tracking and certify the delivery of goods and deposits, while sharing information between the distribution centre, transporters, and retail outlets? With our solution, you can control the loading of trucks by reducing manual operations and certify the contents of each vehicle. You can check every step of the delivery, monitor the punctuality of the unloading, track the logistics assets and calculate the balances for each party (warehouse, carrier, driver, point of sale). In addition, you can certify the passage of responsibility for delivery between the various parties at each stage, including transfers between warehouses.

Build your dream workplace

Design, integration and management of physical, digital and multimedia workspaces.

Multimedia Workplace: What's your ideal workspace?

A place where digital and physical merge, where collaboration and productivity live in tune with engaging and customisable experiences, creating a unique solution in which advanced technologies improve employee well-being and operational efficiency.What can you do?


Leverage the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT-4 to generate evocative images and create a custom mood board of your dream office, meeting room, or co-working space.

Let yourself be guided through the renderings of multimedia spaces already designed and detailed technical design plans, showing how each detail can be executed with precision and functionality. Explore case studies of corporate and retail spaces we have already created, offering additional inspiration and practicality for your project.

Digital Signage: Do you dream of communicating with your audience in a more effective and personalised way?

Thanks to Digital Signage, you can use digital screens to show dynamic multimedia content in real time to your customers in the retail, hospitality, education, transport and corporate sectors.

What can you do?

Get help from artificial intelligence to generate content for your bespoke schedule by choosing a variety of content.

Choose the devices on which to show the schedule, from the LED wall to the monitor or the interactive whiteboard. Publish the schedule and watch the content come to life, offering an immediate and engaging experience in the environment. Content can be adapted in real time based on parameters such as audience demographics, environmental conditions, or personal preferences.

Explore all possible combinations of creativity and technology, through interactive experiences that focus on the user and their needs, in two key areas of the future of workspaces and digital communication.